ISO/IEC 17025 SAC-SINGLAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory for Sound and Vibration.
SAC-SINGLAS certificate number:
(click on link to view our scope of calibration laboratory accreditation).

The “Rock” Vibration Monitors
SYSCOM ROCK is a compact vibration monitoring device, embedded with extra long autonomy feature, therefore operable in a cable-free manner. It integrates highly innovative and proven technologies, using ultra low power components. The complete solution provided with the Syscom Cloud Software (SCS) brings unrivalled ease of use and very quick return on investment.

MR3000C is a compact vibration/motion measurement system built in a rugged SYSCOM RED BOX. The MR3000C is equipped with a new generation of electronic components, keeping the best features of the MR2002, but adding new ones, such as a reduction in size and weight and an increased computing power. The MR3000C has been designed for different temporary and fixed measurements in the civil engineering and strong-motion surveys.
Calibration & Repair Services
Trained by factory, our laboratory calibrates sound level meters, sound calibrators, noise dosimeters, and vibration monitors. Our local service team repairs and replaces faulty parts to keep the turnaround time as short as possible. Other instruments include sampling pumps, flow calibrators, heat-stress monitor etc.
Acoustics Consultancy and Testing Services
Our Acoustics Team provides sound measurement and reporting services for Ambient Noise Monitoring, Workplace Noise Monitoring, Environmental Noise Impact Assessment, Aircon and Mechanical Ventilation (ACMV) Equipment Noise, Boundary Noise Imapct, Building Dust Impact, Entertainment Outlets Noise Assessment and Noise Barrier Testing.